ID Quantique rewarded with an A-ranking by ArianeGroup
We are excited to announce that ID Quantique has been rewarded with an A-ranking by ArianeGroup as part of its supplier evaluation programme. It recognises the significant performance improvements achieved to meet the long-term aerospace industry requirements. In 2020 Ariane 6, the next generation of launcher, will include ID Quantique’s technology.
Next year, ArianeGroup will launch its new launch vehicle Ariane 6, the next generation of Launcher built under a programme funded by the European Space Agency (ESA). Ariane 6 will become the newest member in the Ariane launch vehicle family. One of the motivations for Ariane 6 is to replace Ariane 5 launchers at half the cost and allow double the number of launches each year.
IDQ designed a custom OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometry) based system integrating IDQ’s ID281 SNSPD highest efficiency single-photon detection system as well as the ID900 Time Controller and the ID300 Pulsed Laser source to achieve unrivalled sensitivity. IDQ has developed and manufactured production-level-quality OTDR systems that will test in full automatic mode all optical fibre systems used in the launcher at all integration sites and up to the last minutes before the actual launch.

Photo credit: ©ArianeGroup Holding\Pagecran
ArianeGroup, as the prime contractor and design authority for Ariane 6 launcher, conducted quality assessment called IPCA+ (Industrial Process Control Assessment Plus) and delivered ID Quantique an A-ranking, rewarding the company for the significant performance improvement achievements in 2018.
IPCA+ is a standardised industrial quality assessment used across Airbus Group to evaluate supplier’s industrial capabilities in terms of quality, product design, supply chain and manufacturing engineering.
This high score rewarded efforts made by ID Quantique to align its pioneering and innovating spirit with a solid and long-term industrial growth in sectors as demanding as the aerospace industry.