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Values and commitments

At ID Quantique, as a global company with strong roots in Switzerland, we have an unwavering commitment to quality and integrity with strong corporate governance based on the following values: transparency, respect, long term trust, accountability and courage.

Strong commitment to the environment

IDQ’s business focus on sustainable growth translates into a strong commitment to reducing its impact on the environment. IDQ’s commitment is formalized in its environmental policy that is annually reviewed. This policy is supported by an environmental process aiming at improving IDQ’s environmental efficiency in three areas: Energy, Transport and Waste.

IDQ has already put in place several solutions that either reduce or compensate its environmental footprint:

Social and Ethical Engagement

Through a long-standing partnership with an external company specializing in professional reintegration programs, ID Quantique has been investing for more than 10 years in trainings and return to work programs. These professional reintegration courses involve the employees of the company at all levels. To date, ID Quantique has actively participated in the return to employment of several dozen people. ID Quantique takes this social and solidarity responsibility to heart and continues to invest in an inclusive and participative economy.

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