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Quantis QRNG USB

Standard certified USB Quantum Random Number Generation module, providing true randomness since 2001

  • Certified by well-known international institutes and governments worldwide
  • 4 Mbps entropy data rate
  • Live monitoring and failure detection mechanism
  • Scaling option and configurable random extraction

About Quantis QRNG USB

Although random numbers are required in many applications, their generation is often overlooked. As computers are deterministic, they are not capable of producing truly random numbers. A physical source of randomness is required and since quantum physics is intrinsically random, it is natural to exploit it for this purpose.

Quantis is a physical random number generator exploiting an elementary quantum optics process.

Quantum random number generators have the advantage over conventional randomness sources of being invulnerable to environmental perturbations and of allowing live status verification. The operation of Quantis is continuously monitored and if a failure is detected the random bit stream is immediately disabled. In addition, Quantis provides full entropy (randomness) instantaneously from the very first photon (bit).

First released in 2001 and certified to the highest levels of entropy testing, Quantis QRNG USB delivers true and unpredictable randomness at entropy rates up to 4 Mbps. This hardware random number generator (RNG) is compatible with most platforms and integrates easily in existing applications.

For higher performance, please see the Quantis QRNG PCIe which provide entropy rates up to 240 Mbps.

Quantis QRNG modules are provided with the Quantis Software that includes drivers for the most commonly used operating systems, advanced functionalities such as random data scaling and randomness extraction, and a graphical interface to read and display random numbers and store them in a file. A library which allows easy access and a demonstration application are provided.

Quantis QRNG USB Certifications

The simplicity of the Quantis QRNG USB is also its strength. As the underlying quantum mechanical processes are well understood and easily characterized, it is relatively easy to certify the Quantis products.

Quantis QRNG USB is the most certified true RNG in the market and has been certified by multiple renowned accredited test institutions such as the English CTL or the Swiss METAS to ensure national independence and quality.

It has been submitted to NIST compliant test suite and successfully passed NIST SP800-22 and SP800-90B and Dieharder statistical tests.

These certifications helped make Quantis the most trusted RNG on the market. Download the Quantis Certification Collection.

AIS31 validated product versions

A dedicated AIS31 version of USB-4M use specific AIS31 PTG3.0 compliant post-processing and have been tested and validated according BSI test procedure by French ANSSI.

  • Lotteries & gaming
  • Cryptography
  • IT Security applications
  • Quantum cryptography
  • Password & PIN number generation
  • Random seed generation
  • Mobile prepaid systems
  • Numerical simulations
  • Statistical research
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