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Webinar Replay: Quantum Technology’s impact on automotive V2X security

Watch and re-watch our latest webinars, to provide you with current progress in the field of Quantum-Safe Security.

Automobiles have increased the number of in-vehicle systems that use or require over-the-air (OTA) communication to provide the best services to the consumer. And the automotive industry is looking to generate new revenues from OTA services, making V2X security a top priority. Quantum technology enhanced security provides differentiated products with the highest level of trust for V2X.

ID Quantique’s Quantis QRNG chip IDQ6MC1 has been specifically developed for applications where resistance to external environmental perturbations are critical. It has obtained AEC-Q100 certification, demonstrating it can reliably be embedded in any security system of a connected car to ensure trusted and secured in-vehicle and V2X communications.

Watch our webinar recording now to learn more about how to use QRNG to make vehicles safe in the quantum age.



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