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Webinar replay: How to build the journey towards quantum-safe data security

Watch and re-watch our latest webinars, to provide you with current progress in the field of Quantum-Safe Security.

Data is the oil of the 21st century and fuels our economy. The development of quantum computers shows an extreme increase of performance.

This will disrupt the way how we can protect data in the future because public key infrastructures will no longer be safe – and data potentially compromised.

In order to prepare our cybersecurity framework for the quantum era, actions must be taken now. Every journey begins with a first step and this webinar will put you in the driver’s seat for managing this risk.

What you will learn:

  • How the data security situation changes
  • What you need to know about the Quantum-Safe concept
  • Which solutions are currently available
  • What does a real-life example look like

ID Quantique and dacoso are at the forefront of Quantum-Safe data security and help clients to protect their invaluable data with quantum-ready solutions.



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