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ID Quantique attends QCRYPT 2023



QCrypt serves as a vital platform for exploring the possibilities and limitations of secure communication and computation with quantum mechanical devices. The conference showcases the best results from the previous year’s research, fostering collaboration and community-building within the quantum cryptography domain.

IDQ was happy to attend QCrypt 2023 hosted at the University of Maryland 14-18 August, with Jean-Sebastien Pegon speaking on the future of quantum communications and Giovanni Resta presenting work on fast and photon-number resolving SNSPDs. The conference featured a great lineup of speakers, and we continue to be impressed and inspired by the activity and rapid progress in the fields of quantum communications and cryptography. And of course, we are especially excited to see how much of this work was enabled by IDQ detectors and timing electronics!

As a key player in the quantum ecosystem, ID Quantique’s team was excited to be joining, and co-sponsoring, QCrypt. We had a packed program of participation at the event, plus a dedictaed booth where delegates could meet our experts, explore our latest quantum solutions, and discuss how quantum cryptography benefits all types of organization.


Program Highlights:

Tuesday, 15 August

High-speed QKD: Removing the Roadblocks for an Integration and Utilization in Real-World Networks, in collaboration with Rebecka Sax from the University of Geneva.

Thursday, 17 August

Exploring the need for crypto modernization, strengths and weaknesses of potential solutions, featuring Jean-Sebastien Pegon, Head of Telco markets at IDQ.

Friday, 18 August

Ultra-fast multipixel SNSPD arrays with photon-number capabilities for quantum applications, featuring Giovanni Resta, R&D Scientist at IDQ and the University of Geneva



If you would like to discuss any of the topics covered at QCRYPT, please get in touch.

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