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Singapore data centres exchange quantum-safe encrypted files

Back in 2022, IDQ joined ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDC) for a QKD trial between 2 data centres in Singapore. This project, led by the National Quantum-Safe Network, is part of a nationwide testbed for quantum-safe technologies, including quantum-key distribution (QKD) and post-quantum cryptography (PQC).

singapore data centres

The project team recent announced the successful completion of Phase 1 of the proof of concept between the two Singapore data centres. This milestone achievement was, in part, due to the Cerberis XGR QKD system from ID Quantique. With Phase 1 complete, the team has demonstrated the feasibility of establishing a quantum-secured link over current-day production-grade fiber.

The team demonstrated secure file transfer between the two Singapore data centres via a software-based VPN tunnel, encrypted with AES encryption and QKD generated keys.

As the project evolves the team are discussing how to include additional sites, together with technology and protocols emerging from other research and development projects.

For more details, read the original press release.

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