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Webinar Replay: Single-Photon Detectors for long-haul Quantum Communication

This on-demand webinar is presented by Prof. Hugo Zbinden – Leader of the Quantum Technologies group at the University of Geneva, and co-founder of ID Quantique.

The webinar explores the development of the detector technology that has allowed quantum communication to leave the lab, reaching the world of practical QKD, and towards a future of long-haul quantum networks.


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About Prof. Zbinden

Hugo Zbinden is a pioneer in practical QKD in optical fibres. He is co-inventor of the plug & play QKD system and co-founder of ID Quantique.

He was born in 1961 and studied physics at the University of Bern. In 1991, he obtained his PhD for his work on rare-earth solid-state lasers; before going on to develop high-power diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers for industrial applications.


In 1993, he joined the group of applied physics of the University of Geneva and since then has been leading the group’s experimental activities. His research has spanned various areas from optical sensors, single photon detectors, quantum communication and the foundations of quantum mechanics. He was appointed MER (Maître d’Enseignement et de Recherché) in 2003 and Associate Professor in 2012.

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