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SK Telecom launches a brand new subscription-based Quantum-Safe-as-a-Service offering

QaaS with Equinix


SK Telecom is a pioneer in the field of quantum-safe communications. An early adopter of quantum technologies, the company has been deploying IDQ’s quantum solutions across its networks to secure the links requiring a higher level of security, such as 5G backbone and government agencies communications.

Now, SK Telecom is taking things a step further in offering a new subscription-based Quantum Safe-as-a-Service (QaaS) proposition. The new service removes the burden from the enterprises to deploy, upgrade, and maintain Quantum-Secure network infrastructure.

This new QaaS offering will provide a high level of security in a cost-efficient way. As with all as-a-Service propositions, customers will be able to subscribe to the service for a regular monthly fee, providing price predictability and eliminating the need for substantial capital investment. The first deployment in Korea has just been completed with worldwide service provider Equinix. Equinix operates 249 data centers across 32 countries. For this implementation, SKT completed the deployment of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) systems at Equinix’s SL1 data center in Sangam-dong.

Equinix becomes the first enterprise subscriber of the new “QaaS” service, providing long-term data security assurance with Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) technology. QKD is a game-changer for Enterprise and Government organizations battling with migration complexity and spiraling costs. It allows diverse Contents Providers (CP) using Equinix’s data center, and other SKT’s customers utilizing CP’s services, to enjoy a higher level of quantum security to protect their clients’ assets.

This has been made possible through the strong partnership between Nokia, SK Telecom and ID Quantique. Nokia’s PSS and SMS product-lines now support IDQ’s Clarion KX key management platform, Cerberis XG and Clavis XG QKD products.

SK Telecom is planning to promote the new QaaS offering to a broad range of customers that demand the highest levels of information security. The first to benefit will be public sector organisations and customers from across the financial services, healthcare and energy sectors.

For companies such as SKT and Equinix, IDQ’s Clarion KX enables the generation of new revenues streams through a quantum safe as as service offering.


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